Tuesday, December 20, 2011


Welcome to my new blog, How To Be Your Own Social Security Advocate.  If you've landed here, chances are you or someone you love is in need of disability benefits.  I'll do my best to post tips at least a few times a week and will assist individuals as I can with any questions pertaining to applying for and case managing their claim during the application process. It IS possible to apply for disability yourself and it IS possible to be approved, or "allowed", with the initial application.  Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

Can you be your own disability advocate?  Absolutely!  I must warn, your health must allow you to be able to be organized and persistent in this process since it takes months to receive a decision on your claim.  

Let me just say, that I am not a lawyer or attorney of any sort, and with that being said, my expertise in NOT in Social Security Law.  One doesn't have to be a lawyer to fill out the paperwork and case manage a claim.  That would be equivalent to saying you must hold a masters degree in agriculture to plant a garden!  You can read a little about my experience under the About Me column.  I'm a simple person who has a strong compassion in helping others in need.  I've worked in the human relations and mental health fields for years...have been a city letter carrier for 6 years...obtained my real estate license in the state I reside in...have been self employed as a Social Security Disability Advocate, but closed my office 7 years ago for the purpose of being a full time Army mom.  When the war was new and there wasn't much support to be found, I founded a nationwide Army Mom support group.  It and supporting my soldier and troops have certainly kept me busy! But now that my ABN Ranger son has just left the Army, I can once again fully concentrate on assisting others in their disability applications.  I like to speak as simply as possible so that all can understand the process.  Let me know if something needs to be explained more clearly or more detailed.  I've never claimed to "know it all", so if I don't feel I can help, I'll tell you so.  So here's to a new start!

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