In this part of the form, be sure to list ALL medical conditions, both physical and mental, that you receive treatment for. People often focus on a more recent illness or injury when filing a claim, but often forget to list conditions that they've been receiving treatment for years (ie., high blood pressure, diabetes, migraines, depression, anxiety, etc.). There are only 5 lines, so if you need to list more, do use the Comment section at the end of the form.
I'd like to speak more on mental illness. Having worked for years with the mentally disabled, and having a few mentally disabled loved ones in my family, it's near and dear to my heart to try to encourage those suffering from this illness since many in society makes it even more difficult to cope with it. Many times, mental illness goes hand-in-hand with a physical disability, simply because a person gets depressed that they can no longer to the things that they once did and they are tired of feeling bad. From my experience, people are extremely reluctant to list any emotional or mental problems they may be experiencing, largely because society has placed such a stigma on mental illness. They don't won't anyone to think they're "crazy" or weak for seeking help. Know what? Seeking help for a mental illness takes GREAT strength! I'm here to tell is NOT anything to be ashamed of and embarrassed about. A person doesn't ask for this illness no more than someone asks for heart problems. Mental illness is not a respecter of persons. It can be hereditary, drug induced, and/or brought on by severe and sometimes horrific circumstances. It can strike the youngest to the oldest, both rich and poor, educated and uneducated. Some of the sweetest and most intelligent people I know have a severe form of mental illness. One lady in particular that I assisted had 3...yes 3 master degrees, was extremely articulate, and could master the ivory keys on a grand piano like no other. She was amazing and I think of her often. Like diabetes, heart problems, and cancer, mental illness is a REAL illness. People can't see it, so many have a difficult time accepting that someone can be disabled in this way. Personally, if they have never experienced depression or another form of mental illness themselves or with anyone that they know and love, then they have been very blessed. I get angered by those who refuse to try to understand that mental illness is a real illness, but at the same time, I pray that they never have to experience it in their lives or any of those that they love. There is a Hall of Fame of many famous people in history that had (or has) a form of mental illness themselves...Albert Einstein, Ludwig van Beethoven, Ernest Hemingway, Abe Lincoln to name a few. Celebrities aren't exempt either...Jim Carey, Dick Clark, Brooke Shields, Charlie Pride, Patty Duke, Drew Barrymore, Drew Carey, Harrison Ford, Carol Burnett, Carrie Fisher, Courtney Cox, Halle Berry, and Marilyn Monroe all struggle (or struggled) with mental illness. Surprised? If I had a dime for every time someone said to me, "My neighbor draws disability, but they work in the yard, ski, and do all sorts of physical things...they aren't disabled!", I'd be rich. I simply tell them that sometimes...illnesses can not be seen. Perhaps it's a mental disability? "OH!" is usually the next response. Each one of us has a different cross to bear. Hang in there...there truly is a brighter horizon ahead!
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