Saturday, December 24, 2011

Adult Disability Report - SSA-3368 - Work Activity

This portion of the Disability Report is extremely important.  It asks questions such as "When did you stop working?".  The purpose of this question is to find out when your condition become severe enough that you couldn't work on a full-time basis. The date that you list is called your "On Set" date.  Even if you've never worked or was not working at the time, list the date that your condition become so severe that you couldn't work full time if you wanted to. It will asks if there were any changes in your work activity if you did work.  If your employer worked with you to reduce your job duties, your hours, or if you needed assistance from your coworkers lifting things for example, these would be reason to say "Yes" did have changes due to your condition(s).  Another thing you'll notice is the question asking if you've worked grossing $980 or more in any month since the date you listed as your "On Set" date.  If you have, know that the Social Security Administration will consider this SGA...or "Substantial Gainful Activity".  In other words, despite any conditions you're dealing with, if they see that you can gross that amount, they see you as not being disabled under their listings.

* Note:  Before I go any further discussing applying for benefits, I want to tell you what I have told ALL of my clients over the years.  Do not over exagerrate your condition(s), but do not downplay them either!  Tell nothing but the truth.  Trust me, they will know or find out if someone is not being truthful when applying, not to mention it is perjury if someone lies on these federal forms and is punishable by law.  So please be truthful!

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