Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Apply Electronically ... But Don't Rule Out Old Fashion Writing

Technology has it that we can apply for disability electronically, but I come from the old school...and some things just shouldn't go away completely!  What in the world am I saying?  I'm saying, go ahead...start your application electronically.  But it's so much easier to capture and critique what you'd like to say when writing, plus you don't have to hit the "back" key to refer back to a previous question you've  In addition, sometimes (MANY times), I've had additional information and examples of a person's functional disabilities due to their injury or illness that the "Comment" section of the SSA forms just couldn't hold.  When applying online, character limitations may prevent you from sharing all the information that really needs to be write or type what you need the Disability Examiner to know and fax or mail separately if you need to. That's just me, but whatever you decide, do complete the Adult Disability Report (Form SSA-3368) and the Work History Report (SSA-3369) online.  It doesn't all have to be completed in a day...or even two.  You'll have some time to complete your application, so don't get in so much of a hurry that you fail to be thorough when answering the questions.

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